Imbolc and the Celtic Goddess Brigid

4:33 pm | |

Today is Imbolc, the Celtic Festival of the beginning of spring and Brigids Day

A Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring.
It is held on februaru 1, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.  Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland and other countries where Celts reside.

Brigid is the Goddess of inspiration.
One of the most revered Goddesses of all time, Brigid is a mother, poetess, gardener, a resourceful healer, a fierce warrior and protector of children. She is a fire Goddess and giver of Light. She draws from her cauldron and offers us the spark of creativity and the fiery will to take action.
May she bless us all with divine intentionality!

In the 2019 WeMoon Calendar, Brigid is the chosen archetype for the year.
She is a brilliant sun goddess, The quintessence of WomanFire. She is focused on her mission to restore sanity to our times. She is fierce to protect, determined in Her aim. She has gathered fire energy from Her ancient Irish origins yet she is a catalyst for the whole world.
She throws her blaze straight into the 21st Century. Her anger is a sacred act of Spirit; Her heart an inferno of renewal.
Here, She says in wemoon: “Take this power of fire and flame it right into the face of modern sevility, ignite the end of patriarchy’s ruling madness. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
Take this healing firelight into all the broken places; spread its wild and radiant Love.”
Brigid clears the way for a New World.

Brigids message:
I am the one who is fierce with courage and determination. My ideas are fresh and my fire lights up the sky. The dragon, a sign of protection flies nearby to protect the innocent, the children, the women and the men who do not support the patriarchal structures that hurt us all.

Don’t back down. Stand up for what you believe is right.
First, be quite clear in your intentions. If you’re unclear, then confusion will lesson your power and force.
Like a candle in the dark, be very clear and bright in what is acceptable to you in this situation. Make no mistake, I will guide and protect you.
And yet, think of the unparalleled rise in your own viewpoint if you are to stand up for yourself and speak about your needs and your deepest truth! Now is the time to touch your power, for it’s heat and flame will ignite your passion, which will propel you forward in countless ways.
Even in the face of fear, you can still stand up for your ideals and your truth.
Be unwavering and make your stand today!

Brigit (pronounced BRIG-jet) is a Celtic triple Goddess, which means that she represents three aspects of women:
the young virgin, the nurturing and loving mother, and the crone/sage/wise woman
Brigit is a fiery Goddess who tirelessly protects those who call upon her, and she’s a feminine counterpart to Archangel Michael’s warrior energy. Brigit’s temple is in Kildare, Ireland. She’s celebrated worldwide on February 1, the ancient sacred day
called Imbolc, which marks the beginning of springtime and increasing daylight.

I once visited the Solas Bhride (light of Brigid) Centre in Kildare, Ireland. This is a home of the Brigidine sisters who keep a perpetual flame lit in Brigid’s honor. It was in the 90’s and I was taking groups of women to Ireland and England to visit the sacred sites. The sisters welcomed us and took us on a tour of Brigid’s sacred sites. They said she was also a horse woman and took us to the ancient horse track nearby, along with a church and a holy well dedicated to her. We wove Brigid crosses. She is also considered a Catholic Saint.
For these sisters, Brigid is a living, source of courage, inspiration and power always available to help us with our challenges.


Lin is the founder and writer of
Wisdom, Wellness and Wonder, a spiritual leader,
teacher, Priestess and ritualist with a deep love for
working with the earth and lunar energies and for
working with women's circles and the powerful
transformational energy of the Divine feminine.
Learn more at

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